Dynamic Macros

Using macros allows passing more information about the click or impression to the advertisers. 

Below is the full list of macros available on the MediaRise platform:


‘Site_id’ is our recommended way of tracking the referring site. Many advertisers want to use ‘publisher’ but in MediaRise that will often give you the ad network.

We typically recommend the following Macros be included in your campaign:

    • Source
    • Site_id
    • Source
    • Domain Referrer
MacrosDefinitionTitle, Display URL, Description 1&2Destination URLDefault URLClick Postback URLConversion Postback URL
{banner}Ad Id+
{KeyWord}camel-cased {keyword}, i.e. ‘Best Deals’+
{campaign}Campaign id+
{city}City name, i.e. ‘cabot’++++
{bid}Click price++
{conversion}Conversion tracking+
{country name}Country name, i.e. ‘United States‘+
{date}date in ISO format, i.e. ‘2019-12-23’+
{day_of_month}day of month number, i.e. ’23’+
{day_of_week}day of week name, i.e. ‘Monday’+
{device_brand}Device Brand++++
{device_model}Device Model++++
{device_type}Device type, i.e. Desktop, Mobile++++
{request_id}Id of the request that originated the click or impression++++
{city:ln}Localized city name. ln – is a two-letter language code, i.e. ‘pl’+
{City:ln}Localized title-cased city name. ln – is a two-letter language code, i.e. ‘pl’+
{keyword}matched keyword, i.e. ‘best deals’, RON keyword will return ‘*’++
{month}month name, i.e. ‘December’+
{original_subid}Not limited subid+++
{offer}Offer id+
{os}Operating System+++++
{os_type}Operating System w/o version+++++
{postback_id}Postback id from publisher request++
{app_bundle}Publisher app bundle+
{app_id}Publisher app id+
{pubfeed}Publisher feed id++++
{subid}Publisher feed subid++++
{publisher}Publisher id+
{payout}Publisher payout+
{pubpoint}Publisher point id+
{query}publisher request keyword, i.e. ‘best deals’+++++
{site_id}Publisher site id+
{pubzone}Publisher zone id+
{referrer_domain}Referrer domain++++
{referrer}Referrer URL++++
{remfeed}Remote feed id++++
{aa} (deprecated)Required for Event Tracking+
{ga}Required for Google Analytics statistics+
{search_referrer_domain}Search referrer domain+
{search_ip}Search user IP+
{source_subid}Source subid+++
{state_name}State name. E.g. north carolina+
{ifa}The device identifier for advertisers+
{timestamp}Timestamp (Unix epoch time)+
{Keyword}title-cased {keyword}, i.e. ‘Best deals’+
{Query}title-cased {query}, i.e. ‘Best deals’+
{City}Title-cased city name, i.e. ‘Cabot’+
{State_Name}Title-cased state name. E.g. North Carolina+
{source}Traffic source macro, set as {pubfeed}.{original_subid} for XML and site_{site_id} or app_{app_id} for Display campaign++
{country}Two-letter user country (ISO 31662)++++
{KEYWORD}upper-cased {keyword}, i.e. ‘BEST DEALS’+
{QUERY}upper-cased {query}, i.e. ‘BEST DEALS’+
{ip}User IP++++
{carrier}User ISP+
{zip}User postal code++++
{state}User region+++

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